Target Markets

AWCT is focusing its initial development efforts on three women’s pelvic floor disorders:

  • Stress urinary incontinence (SUI)
  • Fecal incontinence (FI)
  • Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)

Approximately 1 in 4 adult women suffer from SUI. As many as 1 in 2 adult women will experience POP during their lifetimes, and 20% of them will require surgery. These three indications affect over 1 billion women worldwide.

Pelvic floor disorders are pervasive problems for which there are no highly effective treatments other than surgery, which has a history of serious complications. There are no approved drugs in the U.S., and currently approved devices, both conservative and moderately invasive, have low to moderate efficacy.

Tom F. Lue, MD, ScD (Hon), FACS – Co-founder;Principal Scientific Advisor.

Dr. Lue is Professor and Emil Tanagho Endowed Chair in Clinical Urology at the University of California San Francisco and medical director of the Knuppe Molecular Urology Laboratory. Dr. Lue is an internationally recognized expert on treatment of male sexual dysfunction and a pioneer in surgical methods to treat refractory ED. His research team proved that PDE5 inhibitors enhance erection in animals, providing the scientific basis for Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. He is also an expert on incontinence and developed the first animal model of female stress urinary incontinence,now used widely to study potential treatments. He is co-inventor of the sacral stimulation method of treating urge incontinence, the technology underlying Medtronic’s Interstim product line. Dr. Lue graduated with highest honors from the Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan and completed his urologic training at the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center. He has authored or co-authored twelve books and more than 380 publications. He is the recipient of numerous honors, including the Gold Cystoscope Award from the American Urological Association and an award for most innovative research from the American Foundation of Urologic Disease